A friend of mine recently joined a company in an executive capacity and helped set them on a new course that is delivering renewed growth.

Talking with him about the improvements, he was reluctant to take credit, pointing out that he has an excellent, experienced team supporting him and implementing the changes.

While the “experienced team” aspect is true, when people (i.e. prospects and clients) look at a company that is communicating “things are different now”, they need to understand ‘why’ they are different. They need a reason.

In my friend’s case, the changes he executed, and their positive effect, caught the favourable attention of the media. In the article I read, it was apparent that the ‘why’ for the positive change was because of the experience and leadership my friend brought to the business. These changes, and interest from the media, re-opened interest from some of their former clients.

People want to understand the “why” so they can have faith that their renewed interest in the company isn’t misplaced. The reason must be significant, it must produce positive results, and it must be communicated.

When people see the positive results, and understand the ‘why’, then they’ll believe things are different from the past, and that may re-open the doors of opportunity.