Bernie Casey is a seasoned business leader with significant experience in Finance and Cash Flow Management. His experience over the last 30 years as a successful entrepreneur has allowed Bernie to truly understand the challenges facing small business, and to connect with clients in a way that many consultants are unable to. A true entrepreneur, Bernie has filled Senior Management roles in a variety of disciplines, including Finance, HR, Marketing, and Operations.

Covid-19 – Financial Checklist for Business restart

In this video, Bernie discusses his thoughts on a financial checklist businesses should use as they restart after the Covid-19 shutdown. Bernie’s Bio: Links to reputable information on Covid-19 matters can be found at: Please post comments and questions below in the Comment section.

Covid-19 – Cash Flow Considerations as Businesses Restart

We just published a new video in which Bernie Casey, SSI’s Financial Expert, discussed cashflow considerations as businesses restart after the Covid-19 shutdown. Please leave any questions or comments in the comment section below. Bernie’s Bio: Resources for Covid-19 Business Information:

Management Reference Checklists

In an attempt to become a more effective leader, I have spent a significant amount of time researching strategies that I can use to help me deal with specific challenges. In this vein, I have developed a number of different checklists to help me succeed at overcoming these challenges. Using a checklist is a simple…

The Value of Management Meetings

Do you have management meetings? If you take notes, have you ever looked back at the minutes from the past and compare them to present day meetings? You may find the same discussions on the same issues. If properly conducted, meetings are an excellent format to foster teamwork, develop individuals, exchange ideas, build communication, make…

Productivity Improvement

The idea that workers are skilled on every activity, focused all day, highly motivated for results, and directed by sensational leaders is a bit of myth. Recognizing that in order to rise to a greater standard, leaders must initiate well thought out processes and countless “tweaks” on whatever causes less desirable results to be produced.…